The goal of the new organizational structure is that it will drive cross collaboration for business planning, strategy, growth and capability development, as well as help our clients and partners better understand what we can deliver. It will also help VNSFS to better develop its internal talent. The five Business Lines are: Engineering, directed by Chris Watson; Technology Deployment, directed by Brett Campbell; Waste Management, directed by Paul Larsen; D&D and Remediation, directed by David Del Vecchio; and Facility Services and Operations, directed by Sue Kon.
"What we hope to achieve in this organization is senior leaders and experts focused on growth through strategy; continued exceptional execution of project delivery and client connectivity; corporate support that ensures projects have what they need to succeed; and that we are pursuing opportunities that fit our strategies and Veolia expectations" Morrison said. "It will be critical to near-term financial performance, but more importantly, to long-term growth and personnel development and retention." The new Corporate Strategy & Growth Group, overseen by Senior VP David Campbell, includes Business Development, Proposal and Communications functions, a new Project Management Office headed by Chris Barton, and the five Business Lines.
Facility Services & Operations: VNSFS has been an integral part of DOE’s nuclear cleanup programs since 2000, when it began work as the prime Facility Support Services contractor at the PORTS Site. As the prime contractor for the Analytical Services functions of the Hanford 222-S Lab, a Haz Cat III nuclear facility with 11 hot cells that is a critical part of the Hanford cleanup effort, we annually performed an average of 30,000 analyses on up to 10,000 tank waste samples and reported the results to DOE. Samples handled in the state-of-the-art lab are typically highly radioactive.
In Colorado and Idaho, VNSFS supports DOE by managing the Spent Nuclear Fuel storage facilities and licenses under Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations. We also provide Safeguards & Securities program management for the entire NRC Licensed Facilities contract. We provide reliable turnkey complete solutions to assist our clients in the inspections of these aging spent nuclear fuel storage facilities, to make sure they remain safe for decades to come.
VNSFS also operates Alaron Nuclear Services’ licensed and integrated radioactive materials facility just outside Pittsburgh, Pa. This facility has consistently provided services related to the nuclear power generation industry for more than three decades. Alaron offers storage, decontamination and testing services for companies that own contaminated equipment and want the option of value engineering that Alaron provides.
Engineering: VNSFS delivers a full suite of engineering services to its customers, helping them to solve their most complex, high-hazard problems. Our engineers are the backbone of our organization, providing the intelligent design, project integration and interface for our technologies.
Twenty years of DOE engineering experience means that VNSFS can deliver nuclear, environmental, infrastructure, waste, robotics, process and international engineering services. We are NQA-1 Certified with all relevant disciplines and have reach back to more than 1,000 engineers. We provide progressive design and engineering services in a highly regulated technical and nuclear environment.
VNSFS’ engineering capabilities cover the full spectrum of project needs from inception through completion. These include strategic planning, code evaluation, feasibility study, specification development, field engineering, condition assessments, life extension analysis, and system troubleshooting.
Waste Management: VNSFS has experience designing, building and operating waste retrieval and treatment systems and facilities for radioactive wastes and nuclear programs. We have been at the center of operations of the Transuranic (TRU) Waste Processing Center in Tennessee for nearly a decade, as the prime contractor for six years and now as the subcontractor managing operations and hot cell activities. In that time, VNSFS has shipped more than a more than 1,500 55-gallon drums of TRU waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. We also package and ship low-level and mixed low-level radioactive waste for disposal at the Nevada National Security Site. VNSFS has also managed the Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility (ERDF) at the Hanford since 2013, where we are responsible for the full spectrum of management and operation of DOE’s largest landfill. Our innovative methods of packaging and disposing of large contaminated items from throughout the Hanford Site has resulted in significant savings for DOE.
Technology Deployment: VNSFS is a leading provider of safe storage, transportation, treatment and disposal of nuclear waste. Our waste management and treatment technologies can be deployed in concert to tackle problematic and challenging wastes. Our technologies focus on remotely accessing wastes, separating the challenging waste and ultimately stabilizing the waste into a disposable form.
In partnership with our parent, Veolia Nuclear Solutions, we bring innovative solutions for access, separation, stabilization and detritiation to our customers.
Our patented GeoMelt® vitrification process is currently being used in the U.S., Japan, Europe and Australia.
Our patented Ion Exchange systems remove radionuclides from water, waste and effluent streams and have been deployed in the U.S., UK and Japan.
Our innovative remote access and robotic systems help retrieve waste and ensure the safety of workers in high dose radiation zones and have been deployed in the U.S., Canada, UK, France and Japan.
Our various classes of ion specific media (ISM) selectively remove hazardous ions from aqueous waste streams.
D&D and Remediation: VNSFS currently supports Decontamination &; Decommissioning (D&D) at the PORTS, Paducah, Hanford and Oak Ridge DOE sites in the following ways:
Critical subcontractor on the Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership team, which is responsible for the current 10-year Deactivation &Remediation contract at Paducah. Our role includes Lab support, Non-Destructive Assay technical support and engineering services.
Deactivation of gaseous diffusion, radiological and industrial facilities at PORTS to ready them for demolition, reuse and re industrialization
Operation of the 107-acre ERDF landfill at Hanford, DOE’s largest cleanup site. In addition to contaminated soils, debris and solid waste, ERDF receives other hazardous materials, such as mercury, asbestos, beryllium, chromium and lead, which can be treated onsite. VNSFS’ efforts over the past few years to safely package and dispose of large, contaminated items at the ERDF has resulted in significant savings for DOE.
Managing, treating, packaging and shipping TRU legacy waste from DOE’s Oak Ridge Reservation.
Being the first western company on the ground following the Fukushima disaster, where we deployed our Patented Ion Exchange system and processed more than 100 million gallons of contaminated sea water and removed 10 million curies of Cesium. In addition, we continue to deploy personnel, technologies and robotic systems in support of the Fukushima remediation.