Phase 1 PFDR System for Fukushima Reactor

Fukushima Daiichi, Japan
(PCVI) boom-type robotic arm system (PFDR) radioactive contaminated environment Fukushima Unit 2 Reactor

The challenge was to design, construct and test a remotely controlled, boom-type robotic arm system (PFDR) for validating the techniques and technology for removing small volumes of fuel debris from the highly radioactive and highly contaminated environment of the disabled Fukushima Unit 2 Reactor. 

The preceding project (PCVI) created a system to investigate the Unit 2 Reactor environment, including a 21m long articulated boom. The goals of phase 1 of the PFDR (Phased (scaled-up) Fuel Debris Retrieval project were:

  • to verify the effectiveness of a more complex end of Boom (distal) arrangement
  • to verify the ability of the Boom to manoeuvre within a mock-up of the Reactor.
  • to verify the ability to place the End Tool onto debris
  • to verify the ability to apply controlled force to the End Tool